Christmas Traditions

Christmas in Taben-Rodt

The Christmas crib of Taben-Rodt
In our parish church, we have a large Christmas crib, built by Mr. Ewald Heinz (+ 2007). Only the figures are made in the “Groedner Tal” (Val Gardena) in Italy. The crib is 12 feet long and the 10 feet wide. The figures are 12 inch high. The are cuted from wood and dressed with clothes.

Down: The crib of our parish church

A little crip at home near the x-mas-tree

Left: A little crib for use at home near the x-mas-tree. See more ...

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[Weihnachtskrippe 2015] [weihnachtskrippe 2015] [Weihnachtskrippe  2015]